David Lovelock

Financial Planner

Email David Lovelock

David Lovelock Financial Planner Kellands Bristol

David has been practising as a Financial Planner with Kellands since 2017, having previously collected a wealth of experience from a variety of roles across the financial services landscape. He has particular interest in taxation, trust arrangements, family wealth and intergenerational planning, working mainly with families and some small businesses.

Accumulating a range of skills and knowledge in the Insurance, Retail Banking and Wealth Management sectors with household names such as Lloyds Banking Group, Post Office Financial Services, HSBC and Capital One, has led David to enjoy a career in helping his clients achieve their financial objectives, completing his Financial Planning qualifications in 2015.

David grew up in Oxfordshire, and was drawn to the cultural beacon that is Bristol in 2009, following completion of his academic studies at the London College of Music. Having a keen interest in music and the arts, David likes to get involved with various projects where he can, but is normally now resigned to being an audience member. A busy home with his wife and young children means that a lot of his free time is consumed by family life. However, taking every opportunity to get out of the house and see the world with them is what David enjoys the most.

David is currently a member of the following professional organisations:

  • Personal Finance Society
  • Chartered Insurance Institute
  • Society of Mortgage Professionals

David’s financial planning qualifications include:

  • Diploma in Regulated Financial Planning
  • Certificate in Mortgage Advice
  • Certificate in Advanced Mortgage Advice
  • Certificate in Equity Release
  • Award in Pensions Update
  • Award in Long Term Care Insurance

< Meet The Team

Quays Office Park Conference Avenue
Bristol BS20 7LZ

Work: 0117 900 4000

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